Congrats to all 12! teams that participated in the High School Battle of the Books last night. All the teams did an incredible job. The scores were ridiculously close at the end of the night!
A tie for first place pushed into a lightning tie-breaker round. We went question by question and the two tied teams always either both got the question right or both got the question wrong! We used up all 5 of our prepared tie-breaker questions and had to scramble to come up with more.
After two more questions, we finally had the winners:

Thank you to all of the amazing teams that participated last night. It was awesome to see more high schoolers participate than 7th and 8th graders. Thank you for making the time to compete.
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A tie for first place pushed into a lightning tie-breaker round. We went question by question and the two tied teams always either both got the question right or both got the question wrong! We used up all 5 of our prepared tie-breaker questions and had to scramble to come up with more.
After two more questions, we finally had the winners:
1st Place
Rapid Readers

2nd Place
I Don't Know

3rd Place
Readers Anonymous
Rapid Readers

2nd Place
I Don't Know

3rd Place
Readers Anonymous

Thank you to all of the amazing teams that participated last night. It was awesome to see more high schoolers participate than 7th and 8th graders. Thank you for making the time to compete.
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The Book People
The Bookworms
Penguinbookaholics Anonymous
The Silver Snakes
Team /
We hope you enjoyed the books you read!
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